About Me

Play Mail

Mail is one of the most exciting parts of my day.  Thought I'd share the joy with my little one.

All I did was use one of his daddy's old T shirt, fabric scraps and a crinkle grain bag for the 'stuffing'.

1) Cut crinkle paper the size of an envelope.  (I used two pieces of a grain bag).  Cut a T shirt double the size of the envelope, plus an inch.  Cut a small fabric "stamp".
2) Using a zig zag stitch, applique a fabric stamp.  Using a zig zag stitch, make 3 lines to serve as the address.
3) Insert crinkle paper inside the T shirt fabric.  Finish the sides.  Trim all edges to be even.
It was fun to make the stamps different colors.  A single T shirt made 10 envelopes.

I am re purposing a tissue box holder to be used as a mailbox.
Baby approved.  Cost: Free!


  1. Seriously??? You have the cutest ideas ever. I've shared your blog with all my mommmy friends!

  2. Aww!! Thanks! I love to create. My mind never stops. My husband said to me tonight "I'm throwing out these underwear. I better not come home and find them on my son's head in the form of a hat you re-created".
