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My $5.00 Train Set

A couple of years back, I found a plastic tub taped up with a $4.99 sticker on it at Goodwill.  I could tell it was a train set, but I couldn't tell what shape it was in or if it was clean.  My husband convinced me to given it a shot, and I'm glad I did!  It was perfectly clean, in great condition....almost 100 pieces.  I call that a deal.
I remember a set very similar to this in my first grade classroom.  It's a bit down memory lane with the people and trees.  Later this week, I shall be showing you my latest project that goes with this. Any guesses?

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  1. Wow, what a bargain! Our little man is only 2 months old, but we want to get him a wooden train set for his birthday or Christmas. We probably won't luck out and find one for $5 though!

  2. My guess... houses, stores, gas station, fire station, police station, farm/barn.. post office! Am I close?
