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Giraffe Shirt: Mama Made (FREE Template Included)

Off on vacation we shall go in the near future.  One of our destinations?  The zoo.  My little guy LOVES zoo animals and talks about them often.  Noises for elephants, bears, tigers, penguins, monkeys, camels, etc.  Excitedly pointing out the animals he knows in books. He's also been really into having things he recognizes on his clothes.  His new hand me down firetruck pajamas is the current hit (thank you ajm!).  He was a fan of the little zoo  we went to last June (those pictures make me smile!), he's going to be so excited now that he's older and this zoo is awesome. Don't you think he could use a mama made shirt to celebrate this zoo occasion?  I think so.
My inspiration came from pinterest, where I saw this shirt.  Her giraffe was cute, but I decided to do mine a bit different.

Here's the template for the giraffe I drew, which I used on a 24 month shirt.

And here's the new giraffe shirt:

Here he is signing his version of giraffe.
It's just about impossible to get him to stay still for a picture recently, as he is RUNNING everywhere.  Here's my best efforts.

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