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The joys of collecting...

Follow up on our first sugaring experience...

It's working, it's really working!  The sap is running, we're collecting and even have boiled down some. It's not much yet, but it tastes oh-so-delightful on freshly made waffles. And I soon will be making some more Maple Chocolate Chip cookies. I swear it tastes better being made at home. Maple season is my favorite part of spring.  Well, that and rain boots, flowers sprouting and long walks in the warming sun.  Okay, so I have a lot of favorites...but maple ranks up there.

Per request, this simple description from Maine Cooperative Extension has been most helpful for us beginners.  http://www.umext.maine.edu/onlinepubs/pdfpubs/7036.pdf  Once a 4-Her, always a 4-Her...I do love the Cooperative Extension info packets.  Particularly the planting guide, specific for the Maine climate.  Check out what your local Cooperative Extension has to offer.  Anyway, back to the joys of collecting (which these were taken before the last snowstorm and before our vacation...I have just been a pokey blogger).  Here's some pictures...

And of course, we have our helpers....

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I am confident making our own maple syrup will become a permanent tradition.  Oh, the joys of making our own!

1 comment:

  1. I do love your buckets! Looks like a nice set up. We just collected all the sap tonight and it's almost 5 gallons so far. Can't wait to boil it down!
