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Swimsuit "Moby"

If you're a blog follower, you've noticed that I'm big time into baby wearing.  Except when going for a run, I've almost always preferred a carrier to a stroller.  So much that we never have done an infant seat, just the convertible.  It selfishly provides me more opportunities to baby wear. With this carrier that I made, I've had 10 carriers so far (GULP!).  Granted, all but one were given or loaned to me...but I'm sort of a baby wearing junkie.  My faves with baby #1 were the moby for the first few months, the Ergo for then after and the ring sling as a quick go to around the house from the beginning and the only comfortable one to use while pregnant. Believe it or not, even with my gigantic baby bump, I'm still baby wearing...only I guess now it would be called toddler wearing. But my little guy says he's a kangaroo and it's his pouch. Anyway...

Did I mention I loved my moby the first time around?  The only problem is it's 100% cotton.  Worked fine for a fall baby, but now I will have a summer baby.  Which means it's inevitable with an older brother that she may get splashed during some sort of water fun (ocean, St. Lawrence River, pool, etc).   100% cotton takes an eternity to dry.  So, I traced my Moby onto swimsuit fabric and made one suitable for summer living.  It will dry quickly...so if she does get a teensy bit wet, I don't have to worry about her sitting in wet cotton.  I hope it works.

I know it just looks like a hunk of fabric, which I guess it is...but I finished the edges and tapered it to fit well.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's Adrian in his moby as a baby...nice and snug with mama.  Right where he belongs.

And here's Adrian now, not so tiny anymore.

How I do love his "cheese" grin.  I can't wait to try out the swimsuit edition moby.  I'll let you know how it works!

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1 comment:

  1. What a good idea! We used the moby a lot last summer, but it was very hot (and I wasn't hanging out around a lot of bodies of water). I'm looking forward to hearing how this works out for you.
