About Me

Recovering Oceanside

The perfect 2 day postpartum morning? At the beach with the family (empty when we first got there!), snuggled with a newborn under an umbrella, smelling the ocean, hearing very happy squeals from a little boy from being entertained by the BOG and his daddy.  Can't think of a better way to recover.

How blessed am I?!
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  1. Blessed indeed. What a beautiful family!

  2. All of these pictures, Jackie just brought a soothing smile to my face... You are a wonderful person, mother,and friend...

  3. The girls are so excited to see pictures. And they're equally excited that Audra shares their cousin's birthday!

  4. I love all of these pictures, especially Audra sleeping on her daddy. Such sweet moments. That last picture with Audra's sleepy open-mouth and Adrian's pirate gnarl is classic!
