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Our Sweet Baby Girl

 Since the focus last week was big brother's birthday, it's only fitting today would be all about our sweet baby girl.

A darling girl who goes with the flow.

One who doesn't mind where she's at, as long as she's not alone.

One who will intently watch all that is going on.

And coo and squeal enough to warm your heart.

Yes, sweet Audra, you warm our heart.

 And we appreciate how you've let us sleep at night since the day we brought you home.

We've fallen head over heals in love.  All of us.

Your big brother loves you dearly.
And daddy too.

And of course, without doubt, mama.

We're eternally smitten with you.
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1 comment:

  1. That was the most beautiful, poetic, joyful reading I have had in a while. She is so precious, and has the face of an angel...
