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Garlic at Dusk

Mondays are my early days at work.  I was driving home, thinking about how I wanted to plant garlic this fall and hadn't gotten around to it.  I read that it's supposed to be in by November 15th in Maine.  Defeated, I thought "next year.".  But, on a whim, I decided to pull into a farmstand on my way home.  If there was garlic there, it was meant to be and I'd scurry to get it in the ground.  Yup, there it was "Our own Maine grown garlic".  Just for me.

 I scooted to the old house to pick up the compost that I had already bagged. I may get called crazy for bagging and moving my compost, but I don't care.  I left the recent compost, but this stuff, I've been adding brown matter and turning for almost 2 years for some of it.  It was too good to leave behind.  Isn't it awesome?

Four bags down, I think I have one to go at the other house.  I popped it in the barn for now, taking some for the garlic. (and I need to show you more of this gorgeous barn, don't I?!).
It's dusk, and cold.  And I drag my kids out in it to plant garlic.  Mean mama I am. I must be quite the site wearing a baby, having a two year old at my heels, and shoveling and planting. 

 We are discovering how beautiful dusk is here on our farm. It's fun to look out in our woods (10 acres of woods!).  I wonder if there will be a Christmas tree out there for us to cut?  I know there will be some wood we will burn.  I wonder how many maple trees we will find to tap?

I wonder what animals this barn and the fields will hold?  (While my little guy is planning where his live kangaroos will live in the barn).
And it's fun to look at this site and dream of what the garden will be.  I want a HUGE garden, but know I must be smart and not plant too much the first year here.  Rhubarb and garlic is in.  And my neighbor told me there's asparagus to be looking for as well.
 It's also fun to look at our home, think of the memories created there before us and dream of the memories we will create.  (Isn't the moon grand?!)
 Live really is quite good.


  1. I LOVE the mental picture of you wearing a baby and trailed by a toddler as you work in the garden. So happy for you guys, the new place seems just perfect for your family.

    Asparagus is such a funny vegetable to watch grow. Matt's parents grow it in great abundance - I've always loved asparagus, but never more than now that I get to eat the home-grown, freshly-clipped stuff!

  2. I love reading about your new farmhouse :)
