About Me

It's ours.

This is ours.  Officially ours.  Oh my.  It's ours.
I just cannot believe it.  It's ours.  This is our new home.

(Huge) House, (huge) garage,  (huge) barn, nearly 30 acres of farmland and woods in the same southern Maine coastal town we've been living in.  

It's an 1880s estate. We're the 2nd owners. 

It's a house I fell in love with 6 years ago when I first moved here. Only 1/2 mile away.

It's ours.

I've been wanting to tell you about it, I have so much to share. We've been at this for months, never quite sure if it would happen.  

But it's ours now. 

There's so much to share- pictures, stories, plans. Perhaps animals? (Adrian wants 2 horses and a giraffe). I want to tell you about it all.  There is and will be so much to tell.  There's so much ahead of us, but I'm excited.  I promise to bring you along on this journey of restoring this old farm and farmhouse.  I cannot wait to start. 

But for now, I'm still in shock.  I'm writing this with tears of happiness and disbelief streaming down my face.  My heart is pumping a million miles an hour and I have butterflies spinning circles in my belly.  There is a ginormous smile on my face. I just cannot believe it's ours. We have a farmhouse and farm.

I promise I will share more as soon as I compose myself.  I'm just so incredibly thankful. Thankful beyond words.  A dream that I always thought was unattainable has come true.

It's ours.


  1. Congratulations!!! That is amazing! It's been our dream for a while, too...but hasn't happened yet. Looking forward to hearing all about your farming adventures!

  2. I am so, SO happy for you!! Can't wait to see and hear more :)

  3. Oh Jackie!! I'm in tears with you just reading YOUR words of sheer joy!! I am SO happy for you!! I wondered why you would want a new house/home when your is newly built, but now, I so understand!!!! What a treasure you have found! I am so looking forward to reading about your journey! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I hope to come visit you and your new home someday! Love, Sandy (not to be confused with that storm....) :-)

  4. HIP HIP HOORAY! I saw that the sign was down on Tuesday! Congratulations neighbor!

  5. Yay!!! I am so so thrilled for you! It's beautiful, I can't wait to see more pictures.

  6. So happy for you all! A beautiful home to build a lifetime of memories in :)

  7. Congratulations, Jackie.... I always told you that you need to be living on a farm, and now your dream has come true....With love from me to you, Happy New Home xoxo....

  8. You are just such a farm girl, I think that house must have been calling to you for the past six years. And when it heard your heartsong in return, magic was bound to happen. What an amazing home for you and your husband and children and their spouses and children. It will be the place where memories are made and where everyone comes 'home' to. Congratulations, friend.

  9. Thank you so much everyone! We are so excited!

  10. wow it is gorgeous! congratulations!!

  11. Congratulations!!! And, color us a little jealous of your barns and acreage! We are trying to make 3 acres produce for us. The thought of having 30 of them! Wow. That is wonderful. I wish you all the best. ♥

    Sonja Twombly of Lally Broch Farm

  12. So happy for you Jackie! Its wonderful that your dream came true. Best of luck!

  13. How exciting and wonderful! Cause for Thanksgiving, indeed! Best wishes for your family's joy in your new home!

  14. Congrats to you and your family!!!

  15. ok - wow - I can see why you're speechless and excited. This is incredible. I just know how happy you'll be tending to the farm. Adrian needs a giraffe STAT! Congrats!!

  16. It's yours and it's amazing. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
