About Me

Babies in a Basket

I set out to get some more pictures of our growing baby...in a basket of course.  We find her incredibly cute and easy to love.  Perhaps you agree?


But, all of a sudden, she had company.

Which, by her face, you can tell he stole her show.

 I love to watch them interact.

After he annoyed her enough, he was left to the basket by himself.  I think that was his goal.  He's quite a kid...we love him oodles too.



  1. Precious little tykes....you are truly blessed with two beautiful children.
    They are the sweetest at this age and they grow up so fast. You will treasure these photos when the day comes and they are all grown up. Very, very sweet.

  2. Too cute! I love how they play together and seem to genuinely enjoy each others company!
