About Me

She's 6 months!

 She's six months, our Audra dear. 

What we've been doing since your last milestone moment (3 months here) has been quite grand...I don't think we could have taken on such a move with such grace if we had any other baby but you, Audra Grace.

You're sooo happy by nature.  Your squeals make the world light up. 

You love both your parents equally and just looking at your brother makes you giggle, sometimes.  You make others' happy too, as you'll let them hold and snuggle you.

You love to hold on to our fingers.  All the time.

You're a fan of books, for sure. You love chewytubes and your skwish. You'd prefer to fall asleep with your pacifier (although you'd have it all day if we let you...it's just for sleeping now).

You could kick and squeal in the bathtub all day long.

You're not a fan of going anywhere in the car when it's dark, but you don't mind during the day.

You're an excellent communicator, particularly with pottying.  You hate being wet,  you pee and poop on the potty regularly when given the chance.

You love sitting in your highchair playing when we eat.  You've mastered the straw and you'll soon get some yummy solids.  I canned some applesauce and some pears, just for you, my baby girl.  Soon..

While you used to sleep all night, you're now looking for your mama in the middle of the night.  I was sad at first that you seemingly didn't need me at night, but I'm delighted you are looking for some middle of the night snuggles now. 

You love to be worn.  I carry you around and you help me clean, bake and exercise.

There really couldn't be a sweeter, happier, more easygoing little blue eyed girl.  We love you dearly and couldn't imagine life without you.  You've been the perfect addition to our family and we love you more than we could express in words, sweet girl. Happy 6 months, our little sweet bundle of  joy.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! She is such a cutie pie. Sounds like she's a really good baby, too :)
