About Me

Spring/More Winter

The calendar says it's supposed to be spring.  It says that and then we get another foot of snow to add to the seamless white blanket already present.  I am usually a go with the flow, happy go lucky, I love winter anyway type of girl.  Not this year. I've grumbled. I've roared.  I've snarled at winter.  I'm done, done, done with winter is what I've been saying.  I want grass between my toes, my fingernails crusted with dirt, dirty kids, my hair snarled from the wind, my skin a golden tan.  I want to see what's planted out there...I hear there's asparagus and I know there's many, many perennials.  I want to start my adventure in discovering the secret gardens of this old farmhouse.

But then, because I'm an outside person, I spend an hour suiting everyone up (it's not really an hour, but it feels like it, doesn't it?!) drag these two kids outside....and you know what?  It's really not so bad out there.  It's actually quite...um...beautiful.  There, I said it.  Snow in March can be beautiful.

 And the icicles.  Oh the icicles.  What an awesome wonder they are! 

 And I really don't want it to warm up too quickly and miss all the sugarin'.

Did I mention we boiled down some.  Beautiful syrup, it is indeed. Perfect topping for ice cream and perfect accompaniment for newspaper reading.

  Alas, it's not spring.  But there's still much to enjoy in March, even if there's still snow.


  1. This is truly what Maine and love of family is all about. Your photos are priceless and yesterday, even though we still have a lot of snow, was such a beautiful day to be outside.
    I especially love how you have captured those rosy cheeks...adorable little tykes...they could be poster children for " Maine...The Way Life Should Be".

    Not to worry you'll be out there walking in that green grass on a warm summer day very soon.

  2. It is beautiful! I love your photos, especially the ones where you can see the sunlight shining through. So happy that you boiled down some syrup! Yay! It looks perfect with the ice cream.

  3. Hello Again...I just wanted to thank you for your comment on the blog that I wrote this afternoon. I have since taken it off my page...after thinking about what I had written I just felt I probably am not the sort of person who can be putting such personal stuff out there for the whole world to see. I do know what your husband is going through and I'm so glad you shared with me. I guess that's what makes us all connected in so many ways....we all have our own personal struggles and once I thought about it I decided a blog should be about good things, happy things and sometimes I guess we just have to work some things out by ourselves, privately. I come to your blog often because I love to see what new sweet photos you have taken of your two little tykes. Their smiles and your stories always make me smile. Thanks again. : )
