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Yesterday morning, I had a loooong list of things that had to be done at work.  Goal was to get there early.  I was running late, kissing my babies and this dear husband of mine and fleeing with breakfast in hand.

On my way, there was a detour, the road I usually travel was closed.  I could see lights, lots of them.  I could see emergency vehicles, lots of them. I did what I always do, said a prayer for those involved.

Later on, I found out that a teen driver hit a car head on.  In the car was a mom and two kids.  The kids survived, the mom didn't.  Totally and completely took/takes my breath away.  I drive this route all the time to work.  If I left minutes earlier, it could have been me.  Totally hits close to him, as this woman was a special education teacher and we've loved and shared some of the same kids.  I just can't stop thinking about this whole situation.

I definitely hugged my babies extra tonight.  And I will likely be guilty of bringing them both in my bed when I go to bed, to snuggle until daddy comes home from his night shift.

Truth is, today could be our last day.  You don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we've got today.

I've rummaged through the box of clothes my mom saved from when I was a little girl.  It's been almost 17 years since I lost my mom, but I think of her daily. I know she would love having grandkids and she'd be super proud of my dad for sending little care packages and for making special toys for them.  I know she would have spoiled them rotten. 

But you know, I'm not usually sad when I think of my mom.  I feel thankful.  Thankful that I had 15 amazing years with her.  So much of what I do today, I learned from her.  I know she'd be proud.  And I feel lucky to have had her. 

And...here's some pictures of my sweet girl wearing a dress my mom saved.  The last time it was lovingly put on a little girl, it was put on me, by my mom.  And when I put it on my little girl, I cannot help but smile. 

My prayers will be with the two children who just lost their mother in that terrible accident...if you're the praying kind, please lift your prayers up for them too.

Here's our sweet girl in the dress I wore ages ago....

 She blows the best kisses.
 And I love her so.


  1. I hardly slept last night! I must have gone upstairs to watch my three little angels sleep a half a dozen times before settling in myself. So thankful to have TODAY with my little ones. Between my sick Aunt and the tragic accident yesterday I have prayed more in the past 12 hours than I think I ever have!!! Great post, Jackie. I'm right there with you today.

  2. Wow that is so sad. Will send up prayers for the family. Last year I heard on the news that there had been a fatal car accident on the road I take every morning to work. It happened basically right after I passed that spot on the road. I had such an eerie feeling all day long.

    I love the photos of Audra in your dress. That is so sweet :)

  3. Your daughter looks so sweet in your dress. It's also adorable that your father sends you these things, and what wonderful memories of your mom they keep alive. It's so sad those children just lost their mother. I need to always remember to be thankful for every day I have.

  4. Such a very sad story Jackie and it tears at your heart strings when you see something like that, so real, right in front of you. It really does make you want to hold very, very, close the ones that you love so much, our children especially. There is so much tragedy in this world today and it touches all of us in one way or another. To lose your mother so young I'm sure makes you realize how blessed you are to have your own two beautiful children and I'm sure that she would have spoiled them like crazy. I would do the same if I had grandchildren. Unfortunately neither of my own two children ever married and I so looked forward to the time when I could hold a grandchild or two and take them for walks and have them for sleepovers and do all those lovely things grandparents get to do and spoil them too. You are a wonderful, beautiful mother and even though I only know you through our blogs it's very obvious how much you love your beautiful children. Cherish every moment that you have with them because every one is so precious...they grow up so quickly.
