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Happy Mother's Day: 2013!

Today is a day of remembering for me.  How fortunate I am that I had 15 great years with a mom who lived her life for us kids.  Everything that she did revolved around us. She was so loving, patient, generous and kind.  An inspiration and loved by many.  My heart is so warm from all of the memories she made with us.
And now I hope I'm doing half as good as a job with my own babies.  I hope that they will look back at their times with me with as much adirmation and love.
I hope I'll have many many years than my mom had with us.  But you know, one never knows.
 But for now, we have today.  So I'm going to keep my babies close and live today being the best mama I can be.  And I'm going to have a blast while doing so. 
Happy Mother's Day all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can see you are the Mom that every kid would love to have. Saddly some are not as fortunate to have a wonderful Mom like yours even for the short time you did. She has done a wonderful job I can tell by the faces of your own children. Happy Mother's Day.Beautiful pic of you and your Mom. Hug B
