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Mama Made: Woven Wrap

On a whim, I decided to whip myself up a woven wrap. I wanted one for an ease of different carries.  The structure of a woven is good for my babies who still want to be regularly carried...as this fabric isn't stretchy so they are kept snug.
 Just five ft. of non stretchy cotton, a bit more for tapered ends, serged to last.  I made my husband take some mama and little ones shots.  Glad I did...I am not usually with them behind the camera.

I still have to practice more getting them snug and wrapped better by myself.  It will come in time. Point is, I'm hooked.  I love having my babies close and I'm glad I now have a woven.  I think this is a rucksack carry or something like that.  I can't remember.  I also can't remember where I got the fabric. I think I got it for $2.00 at a thrift store.  Score.


  1. Awwww, too cute! I love how they like to be carried so close to you :) How awesome that you were able to make that for only $2! Crazy!

    PS - Got my package yesterday - thank you!!! I plan on giving one away tomorrow on my Feathered Friend Friday post :)

  2. You look like one happy mamma! And a very young one at that!!
    BTW, the outfit Audra is wearing looks awfully familiar :-)
