About Me

The Happiest Place in My World

Some say the happiest place in the world is Disney.  Or Chuck E Cheese (which I still have never been to).  Or the ocean. Or pounding the pavement.  Or the garden.  Or the golf course. Or the bar.

Whatever it is...do what makes you happy. I won't judge you.

And me?  Well, the book is holding the place of my happiest place in the world right there.
 I can't get enough of watching my two sleeping angels.


  1. Awwww - yes. I agree, watching them sleep is a very happy place.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  2. Oh yes. And I just used that same book today to make sunscreen. Well, the recipe will be on my blog in a few days, but it's based on he Flower Essence Lotion. Happy to have found your blog through soulemama!
