About Me

Hanging on to those Summer Evenings...

For months, our routine has been dinner and then an hour or two outside before bed.  Time to putter in the garden, harvest some for preserving, pick a bouquet of flowers, take a walk in the back field, throw some balls, run after one another, catch the sunset, anything to enjoy the last few moments of the long summer days.  How I love summer evening.

I'm trying to not notice the days are getting shorter.  I'm totally guilty of doing all that I can to squeak out just a few more summer evenings out of doors. We've been playing outside past our dinner hour.  I've been feeding my poor family after sunset.  Or making them eat outside in the evening even though the temperature would be more favorable inside.

I know the days are getting shorter, but I find myself saying, "We can have one more evening meal outside.  Just one more."



Truth is, I usually don't mind season changes, just as long as we can have just "one more" summer evening. 


  1. It doesn't look like anyone minds eating outside! Supper looks terrific. It reminds me that I haven't eaten yet. grumble.grumble.

    The days are indeed getting shorter. I have to close the chickens by 7:45 now, instead of 9:00. At least the mosquitos are gone! :-)

  2. I love your summer evening routine. I'm sort of in reverse, and I like to spend time outside until the sun sets then I make dinner. But we've been eating so late, that I've been trying to cook a little earlier. I have noticed how it's getting darker earlier - the chickens are roosting and locked up by 7:15 now! Just two weeks ago they weren't locked up until after 7:30. Crazy.

  3. What a lovely glimpses of your summer evenings. The other night I was leaving yoga and I was stunned that it was dark out. I'm not ready for the shorter days!

    Wishing you a lovely day.
