About Me

Mama Made: Kitty Hat (Upcycled)

Remember her new mama made coat? And how I was going to make a hat to go with it so it could count as a Halloween costume?

Well, I decided.  I made a kitty hat.

 It's adapted from this pattern.  Lined with my husband's old coat.  Drawstring chin strap from a salvaged piece from a broken bag.

 And here she is, wearing it.
 It's appropriate attire for cat feeding anyway, don't you think?

Anyway, it's done.  And it hopefully counts as a Halloween costume. :)


  1. What a cute hat and the photos are lovely!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  2. Awwww - it is so darn cute and I love that it's upcycled. You go mama!

  3. Of course it counts! :-) Have fun tomorrow.
