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Decorating...in stages.

Every year, the holidays arrive and I'm all jazzed about getting xyz done straight away so I can enjoy the rest of the season.  I start decorating and then start to clean, which turns into a deep clean, and then I'm hungry and need to make dinner, which of course needs a dessert and then the clean up and oh my...it is bath and bed time already, kids (finally) asleep...decorating?  Well, that pile of mess isn't hurting anything if it sits there until tomorrow, right?  And then tomorrow comes and goes.  And before I know it, I have to dust the decoration boxes off.  And then I'm annoyed at the mess and annoyed at myself for allowing the mess to just sit there when we could have been enjoying the holidays all this time instead of wasting it looking at boxes.

Please tell me I'm not the only one. 

He's the beginning to ours year in decking our halls.

Well, phase one.  Goodness, was he excited about decorating!
 On top were the stockings I made, still waiting for names to be embroidered.  Oops.

We got the stockings hung, the mini tree all set up, some misc decorations for their play kitchen area and a few decorations on the mantle. 
And then we got distracted.  But this time, not the cleaning distractions or we're hungry distractions.  Distractions of the very best kind.  Distractions in the form of giggles and snuggles.

 But these distractions aren't the kind that at the end of the day you wonder where the day went.  These are the kind of distractions that make the day worth experiencing.  This is the best way to celebrate.

Decorating, what decorating?  There's Christmas stamps and Christmas books that are far more important than decorating.

In the next couple of weeks, things are bound to become crazy with last minute preparations that seem urgent in the moment..  It's not the stuff that matters, it's the experiences you have with those you love that matter.  This is what I am working on remembering this holiday season.


  1. Oh this post feels like a big hug thank you for sharing with those of us who have no little ones to share the season with. HUGS B

  2. Awww that last photo is so cute! I have been decorating in stages, too. It's hard to do it all at once! I think it's more fun to spread it out anyway :)

  3. Great post. Enjoy the season...you are right on. :-)

  4. You are definitely not the only one. It's funny that I don't always get everything up on the same day but taking it down - no problem. Down all in the same day. I agree with Tammy - that last photo is precious.

  5. No, you aren't the only one. Sometimes I'm still adding touches Christmas day. lol
