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Miniature Boat and Tote (Free Pattern)

Like LL Bean's regular sized Boat and Tote (LOVE those bags), here's a mini one.  Perfect for your tree.  Or for an American Girl doll's bag.  Or to hang on door knobs and hide in lunchboxes, with surprise treats for your loved ones to find. It's good year round.

Or jazzed for the holidays with a quick bow.

DIY instructions: Miniature Tote

DIY Instructions (1/4 seam allowance)

1) Cut fabric
Tan fabric Sides:  Cut two 2 1/2in x 6in.
Thick Black Fabric Bottom:  Cut one 4 1/2in x 6in.
Thinner fabric Back Straps: Cut two 2in by 9in
Thinner fabric Lining: Cut one of each 6 in. by 8in

2) Pin and sew side to bottom, right sides together along longest side.

 3) Do the same on the opposite side. Press seams
 4) Fold entire piece in half with right sides together, matching seams and stitch along sides. Press.
5) Fold seamed sides in.  This creates a triangle, as shown below.  Measure 3/4 inches in, mark and stitch.  Do the same on the other side.

It should look like this. Turn right side out. Set aside.
6) Fold each end of the long edges of the straps in 1/4 inch.  Press.
Fold in half, press to form strap.  
Stitch the two sides together. 
 7) Pin straps to the right side of the fabric basket. Baste in place.
 8) Sew sides and bottom corners in the fabric lining piece, just as done above. Turn right side out and press.
9)  Flip the outer basket back to having the wrong side out.  In it, place the lining in, so right sides are together, matching the seams (this one has batting, yours does not). Stitch in place, leaving a 1 1/2 inch gap.

9) Feed the bag through the gap. Press seams, pin opening and top stitch entire upper edge. Embelish if desired.


  1. Perfect oh I can only imagine your house at Christmas oh I know it is going to be wonderful. Hugs B

  2. Awww, this is so very cute! We got a large doll for my oldest for Christmas. I might have to make her one of these too!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  3. Oh it's so cute! Anything miniature is so cute to me :)

  4. Tote handbags are made from a number of fabrics such as canvas, jute, cotton, Nylon, Silk, Paper and Denim. Women have moved on from the same old, boring and environmentally unfriendly plastic to something trendier in form of tote handbags.
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