About Me

Thrifted. Birthday. Randoms.

1) Thrifted
A tervis Tumbler cup.  This beyond fantastic set of 10 thick, huge, heavy dishware with a hand painted pattern for our Fabulous Gilly.  Two camping mugs and a firkin.  I don't remember the exact, but I think it was between $12-14
Sequence for kids, a cloth doll book, a brand new box of plaster of paris, farm boots, four blue vintage dishes, a tape measure.  $5.00
2) So...birthday fun.  Not only did I get to spend it with these monsters...
Eating delicious food that I didn't cook, enjoying flowers my little boy insisted I have.

But, I also found an offer that one couldn't refuse for transferware.  I mean selling for a dollar a piece is a real steal when you can re-sell them for $20 a plate.  And I just so happened to have birthday money (thank you!!).

And now my cupboards are all vintage transferware.  All ranging from $0.35 to $2.00. Even my kids eat off of them for that price!  I love this stuff.
3) Randoms.

- I hate hate hate teething.  

- The best part of January is all the birthdays=cake in the house for pretty much a month.  Yes.

- I'm still working through the winter squash and pumpkins. Thankful.

- My sewing machine has been going.  Stuff to share soon.

- I'm still going with my own sourdough starter challenge.  How about garlic bread?
- My new hair.  I donated 12 inches yesterday. A somewhat blurry selfie, but you get the drift.
And with that, it's Friday...have a happy one.


  1. Oh Happy Birthday and I LOVE your haircut and what a generous offering of your hair.
    LOVE love your dishes I would have bought those pink ones too they are so pretty. Oh your children always bring a smile to my face and teething is something I do not miss at all. Take care. Hug B

  2. Your hair looks faboo! I've always wanted to donate my hair, but it takes so dang long to grow!

    Your thrifted stuff is unbelievable. Looks like a wonderful birthday. You deserve it.

  3. LOVE your hair! I use to do hair before staying at home with my babies and the short cuts were ALWAYS my favorite. SO CUTE!
    Love your thift finds. My husband and I love to go antiquing or thirfting when the kids have spent the night with their grandparents. Right now we are working on an old window to hang on the wall and keeping our eye out for a old ladder.
    Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great one to me!

  4. Your hair is so cute! Good for you for donating your hair. I did that last year and I was so glad I did. I really like those camping mugs and you have a TON of transferware now! Holy cow! So awesome.

  5. Cute hair! Good for you donating to Locks Of Love, I'm assuming. 2 of my girls did that, and it made us all so proud! I love to thrift, and always find some great deals locally. I've never seen transferware in thrift stores though. Maybe scarce here?

  6. Sorry, I meant your pattern of transferware...

  7. What's the name of your pattern? It should be on the bottom. I think I've seen that in blue too, maybe...
