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Finding the perfect buttons.

I've had a couple projects as of late that have needed buttons.  I have multiple jars of miscellaneous buttons and finding buttons used to be an activity I enjoyed.  But now, the time when both kids are sleeping is very fleeting. Spending an hour sifting through hundreds of buttons didn't seem like the best use of time given there's laundry, dishes and the like needing attention too. Night after night went by and I just hadn't gotten those buttons out. 

The other day I had an epiphany.  Why was I wanting for them to sleep to check it off my list?  Wouldn't they enjoy it too?  I've let them play with my buttons before. Why did I forget that?

Sometimes I get so focused sometimes on the end goal that I forget how marvelous the process is for new learners.  Of course they'd enjoy organizing buttons!  And likely they'd enjoy other items on my to do list.  Sure, I try to involve them in as much as possible, but sometimes it's so tempting to get things done quickly while they sleep.  It takes half the time, as you can imagine, doing things alone.  But, you know what's magical?  It was a task I needed to check off my list.  But when I slow myself down and do such a task with the kids, I end up enjoying the process as well as the result. 


End result?  I narrowed my selection.  And did so with a smile, in good company.  A win all around.

 My pal, Jennifer, over at The Deliberate Mom, just wrote a list of "Real Learning Activities" for toddlers (Check out her list here.).  Real learning really is the best type of learning, let us not forget.  


  1. BUTTONS I love every activity that involves kids and button sorting. I remember sorting buttons with my Mom , both Grandmas and my own girls yes it is a love that keeps on giving. I still love it. Your photos capture the intense happiness that comes with this. Hug B

  2. It's a real joy to watch busy little hands at work...Mama approved work that is! So glad you did this with them. Look how intent they are on their hard work of play...or is it learning? :-)

  3. You really do have a lot of buttons! Wow. It looks like they did enjoy sorting them all out for you. I always loved playing with buttons when I was younger. My great aunt even made me an elastic bracelet with all sorts of different buttons sewn on. I loved that bracelet!

  4. So many great projects with buttons! That could keep them busy for hours! I think your Lil' Man could decorate his favorite tractor with buttons!

  5. I love that you included them in this activity. These simple moments have so much value and mean so much to our little ones. Thanks for the mention... you're so sweet.

    Wishing you a lovely week.
