About Me

Happy 3 and a HALF!

He's 3 and a HALF!  How fun is 3 1/2?!  Such an exciting time.

In case you missed,

Here he was at 2
Here he was at 18 months.
(And before that, I wasn't a blogger).

And now to celebrate 3 1/2!

Oh, Adrian...what a kid you are.

You are so incredibly smart, and serious. So focused and hardworking.  Always a project, always busy, very creative, never bored.

You're most serious about farming. You're going to be a farmer, a veterinarian and someone who fixes up old farms, farmhouses, silos and tractors so they don't fall to pieces when you grow up.

Everything you do is farming related.  EVERYTHING.  You have been planting corn, haying and plowing all winter long. You love hitches for your tractors.  You love cows. Not just any cows, but you love Jerseys as your favorite, Holsteins as your second favorite and you also like Herefords and Texas Longhorns too. You can rattle off chicken breeds as well. And you take excellent care of ALL of your animals, each and everyday. You're very keen about adding "lotsa" animals to our farm.  Because in your eyes, we clearly don't' have enough.  When you ask the children's librarian for any books about cows or tractors, he responds: "I think you read all the books we have about those topics many times, Adrian. But you can check them out again."  Even when you talk about colors, you think about farming. Someone you see at church is wearing green and you assume they must be wearing green for John Deere or red because they must like Farmalls.  When we drive anywhere, your eyes are always peeled for livestock and tractors.  You tell us about your farming dreams when you wake in the morning. You've even had nightmares about wild animals getting your farm animals. Everything, EVERYTHING is farming with you.

It's hard to get you to do any gross motor activities. Sports, bike riding, ice skating and the like are all boring to you. But, you'll climb any ladder to get hay. And you'll shovel your goats.  We have to trick you into exercise.

Same with fine motor. You could care less about letters and numbers. You will do letters if we spell tractor manufacturers and you want to be able to write not your name-but the word cow. You will count if it's eggs you're counting.  You do like to paint and draw, and you can guess the types of things you always draw. (More farming anyone?!)

You love love love Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes.  And your versions are adorable.
"Yankee doodle went to town, riding on a pony. Stuck a feather in a hat and called it macaroni and cheese and went to the county fair."
You also do 3 Blind Mice, Humpty Dumpty, Little Boy Blue, Ba Ba Black Sheep, among others.  You love books in general and read oodles everyday.

You're sometimes a bit picky eating now, but the majority of the time, if we tell you that you grew it, you'll eat it. You are a bread boy. You'd eat an entire loaf. And you love your fruit. Any and all fruits, you'll even eat a whole grapefruit and ask for more!  Your fave dessert is apple pie and you love strawberry shakes. You do love to help in the kitchen, along with many other household tasks.

You still hate to be anywhere separate from me. Which is okay, really it is. Because I don't like to be separated from you, either. I love you so incredibly much and am so thankful to be your mama.

And just for fun..as you grow...
 Keep growing and learning, little one.  Continue your love for learning.  I am confident you already are the best farmer out there.


  1. It's so cool to see how much he's changed and grown! 3 1/2... that's pretty big!

    He definitely has the farming blood flowing through his veins... that bot and his tractors!

    Sweet post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yankee Doodle is going to the country fair now. Oh, boy! You have it bad, Adrian. Farming is in your blood for sure. Happy 3 1/2! xoxo
