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I couldn't find them. I heard giggles.  "Where are you?" I called. More giggles. This could be trouble, I thought. 

I found this hand me down cupboard that I am moving into our woodshed in the hallway. It was empty, but cracked open.
"Boo!"  from him, "Hi mama" from her.
More giggles.

This went on for some time. And a four legged friend was invited/dragged into this cupboard too.
The kids having a blast. The dog...well...tolerating the chaos.
And I just loved the whole scene.  The two of them, having a blast together.  Making their own game out of nothing in particular. Involving their most favorite pets. Being creative. Having lots of simple fun that doesn't involve technology. Learning, playing, growing together.  It's the good stuff that happens when we give kids unscheduled time to just be.

This weekend, I'm going to make sure we're not so busy that we don't have time to just play. Perhaps you'll join me, shut off the technology and make playing an activity of choice this weekend. Let the good times roll.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, they are so sweet. It is so important to have that technology-free, unscheduled time to explore and play. This is a lovely reminder.
