About Me


There's nothing like line dried clothes.  When we moved here, I was asking and asking and asking for the clothesline to be put up.  I know that although my husband loves me, he didn't get my urgency.  My dad finally helped me get it back up and I was so excited. Silly, perhaps, to be elated about a clothesline, but I love it. I love the rhythmic motion so early in the morning. I love talking with my kids about their plans for the day when there's still dew on the ground. I love the quietness of the morning, filled only by little voices, a cockadoodledoo or the squawking from a chicken laying an egg. A full line swaying in the breeze makes a house feel like home.  The scent of line dried clothes in our home is a scent that promises summer. Sunned diapers always look so fresh and white.  Not to mention cheaper and eco friendly.

Oh, the memories of my littles underfoot as I hung the clothes. (First him, then her.)

I remember mentioning once to an acquaintance, "I hope it doesn't rain, my clothes are out."  She said "Oh, that's too bad you don't have a dryer, they are expensive."  "Umm, I have a dryer and I like to hang my clothes out."  You can imagine her quizzical look.
(Last spring)
Yes, I hang my clothes because I enjoy it. Why am I talking about this today? Because there's four cord of wood sitting right in the way of my clothes line and there's more wood on the way, dumping in that exact spot. Beautiful weather in Maine and I cannot hang out my clothes until the wood is stacked. 

And so I find myself out there stacking wood as the sun is rising and sneaking in a little more stacking as the sun sets.  Two kids underfoot, naturally.  I will move this wood and get my clothesline back!

 The freshly line dried scent is apparently good motivation.
Who else gets ridiculously excited about line dried?  Please don't tell me I'm the only one.


  1. Oh no! I am in love with our little twirly-bird clothesline. I was nearly jumping for joy when I read that there is a state statute prohibiting HOA's from banning them. Whoo-hoo! Ours went up shortly after that. It's absolutely one of my favorite chores (if you can call it that). Sadly, in summer we can't use it as it is too humid to dry things, so our time together is coming to an end for a while.
    Enjoy it-I totally get you! ;0D

  2. Last year I got a clothes drying rack for my yard and I LOVED it! I have fond memories of my grandmother's line-dried clothes (perhaps part of my obsession comes from those memories). Right now we are getting our roof re-shingled but as soon as the workers are done, I'm bringing out my drying rack!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  3. I love using the clothes lines too!

  4. I hung my first load out this weekend, The smell is just amazing. I LOOOVE the smell of clothes hung out to dry. I wish the forecast was for better weather so I could do more.
