About Me

Thrifted. And randoms.

 A lot of felt. Some fab books.  A yard of tan linen fabric, a yard of vintage watermelon fabric.  A polish pottery spoon rest. A transferware cup. Grand total? $5.50.  Goodness, what a deal!
 This lot of sports equipment. Most not even used. Two nets, two volleyballs, four badminton birdies (which totally had to look up the spelling for badminton, never knew!). With a carry case. All for $6.50.  (Who wants to come try it out with us?)
A wooden spool holder, rainbow yard, vintage little women, more Richard Scarry, I Spy board game and a 'farmer shirt". $4.50

Random happiness:

Smiling dogs.
(Barely there) ponytails.
And evening fun that I would never predict, but sometimes their imagination is just the perfect thing to do.

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