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Halloween 2014


And wishing you a Happy Halloween 2014.


Halloween Eve

Tonight is trick or treating in our town. Which really for us is going to our neighbors and collecting $$ for Unicef. My kids find that plenty exciting.

Here's some of our festive celebrations this season. From processing our homegrown sugar pumpkins for baking to the Keene Pumpkin Festival to a pumpkin carving party with 14 fantastic family members, to a costume party with my Maine girls to just relaxing at home with my favorites....this season has been full of memories thus far.

 (He wanted a pumpkin house with doors and windows).

Laundered linens from the party line drying with a pumpkin.

 It's fun being festive. Be safe everyone, watch out for children this evening and tomorrow evening.


About a year ago, I spent oodles of time organizing a little space to craft in. Find that here. At our other house, I had three utility shelves for storage. But in that house, my craft area was in the basement, so I didn't mind utility shelves down there.  In this house, I really didn't want utility shelves juxtaposed to the beautiful hardwood floor.  I did find the two pieces that I refinished that helped with some storage.  But, even with the fabric stored elsewhere, I have too much stuff for just those small pieces of furniture. 

I've had an envelope with cash marked "hutch" for about a year now. I've been looking for an inexpensive hutch for the craft area to improve the storage and hopefully give another table top surface.  I've looked every couple of weeks for the last year, but hadn't found anything reasonable or local.  Finally,  something popped up. A hutch close enough to home for only $60. 

Storage, I love thee...

And organization. I love walking into this space and seeing less mess.

I just collected some random things to organize.

Not perfect, but better than it was. It's soo much easier to find things. I'm not sure if I'll paint it or leave it as is.  Thoughts?
And of course, like all things, my littles were 'helpful'. He was fabric shopping.
 They were drafting patterns.
 And this chair is their house, which you should know in case you want to come over.
And something else I organized through this process....PATTERNS....SQUEEE!!   A dear blog reader generously sent me a HUGE box of patterns (THANK YOU!). Not just any patterns, but little girl dress patterns!!!! I think she gifted me 53 of them (many vintage!)....and each pattern has 4 or so options, so many choices! I'm excited just writing this!   I totally squealed when I got them and I spent hours just holding them and looking at them.  And then another blog reader left a pile at our breadstand. And then add those to the all the ones I have. I have a lot. Okay, that's an understatement. I have a pattern shop right in my craft area.  How lucky am I?  While I do have the skills to create patterns, it's soooo much less time consuming to have printed ones. And there's so many options. I'm a lucky duck. 

This reorganization of the craft zone has lead to a delay in making/posting the monthly dress. I know it's only my personal deadline and not a big deal, but rest assured, I'll have that post for you soon.  And now....the choice, which pattern will be dress # 10 of the year for sweet girl? Choices, choices.

On the list...

After being gone for breakfast and arriving home in time to put my kids to bed yesterday, I'm looking forward to a day at home today. My husband and I are home together for a few hours, which is a rarity.  I am hoping to persuade him to (again) get a load of manure. Loving this farm truck (thanks to my dad!), complete with Maine Farm plates and a "No Farms No Food" sticker (thanks Sara!) and thankful for the jobs that we can do now having it.  Not sure my husband enjoys the to-do list I have since having it, but, you know...putting up with one's wife is a part of marriage, right?
 And of course, do expect a farming helper. Can't do anything remotely farming related without him. He's a good boss. Maybe even a better boss than his mother?  You see him pointing below?
Determined to fix this soil and have a better garden next year.

Fall Strolls...

The back fields get little use in the soggy spring. We tend not to trek back there when the hay is over my kids' heads come summer.  But fall?  It's the best place to explore.

 When we find treasures, well, this mama smiles as big as these littles.
 Finding some silky milkweed to spread? One of our favorite pastimes.

 It's funny how tiny our house looks this far back.


With muddy boots.
My oldest far enough away to be an independent farmer, but close enough to hear my call,

A little girl who frequently and randomly kisses my hand as we walk.
Our faithful companion.

And an imagination from both of them,

 It really is a recipe for a perfect time.

 So thankful to have seasons.
 Hopeful to have some more beautiful fall days ahead to enjoy in this great field.