About Me


 Another flip top jar (I love these things....we never lose the lids!). Five miniature wooden bowls. An array of mini garden tools (perfect for our secret garden!) and toes from this little guy who is pretty excited about the scores.  $6.00
 More linens and more napkins. For whatever mood strikes me at the moment. Do I need these? Nope. But, for $5.00, why not?
 And these...brand new handmades. Love love love.
 Even a little tag in there.  $4.50 for the three.
 Word to the wise, don't put them on a tiny noggin that just woke up from a nap.
 She'll like it, eventually.
 He loves his.
 I just love texture paired with a sweet face.
 And the sweater? 
 What's not to love?
 Oh, this mama is having a bit too much fun playing dress up.