About Me

Noone sees us in our pajamas....

No one sees us in our pajamas more than our chickens.  We take care of them before our breakfast and before getting dressed for the day.

 Our pullets are laying regularly now.  I've been working so hard trying to train them to lay in this fab vintage nesting apparatus.  (It was ours as a child. My dad brought it to me and put it up as a gift.  How awesome is that?)   I have been going out multiple times a day and popping a hen in a cubby.  It's been paying off. They are using it.
 Holy Toledo, eggs.  19 today.  Thankful for all these eggs and thankful to have found a buyer for our abundance of eggs.
 Because as good as frittata is...
 A 19 egg frittata a day would be a bit much for our little family of four.  Thankful for our coop full of layers now.


  1. I am a firm believer that an awful lot more than people think can be done in PJs. :-) So happy to hear you have someone to help take all those eggs off your hands!

    1. Notice there were no pictures of me...I was also in my PJs. :)

  2. How exciting that you have someone who can enjoy your eggs and help you earn a little cash too. I'm surprised that your hens are laying this time of year, it being so wintery up there!

  3. LOVE your photos and I have been known to wear those pajamas most of the day. It is true no one can see them:) Hug B

    1. You would have seen snowmen jammies if I would have taken a pic of myself!

  4. I've been snow blowing in my jammies
    (under my ski pants and coat) It's all good.

  5. Been there, done that! I'm happy to have lots of eggs right now- 3 a day. I love fritattas and baked french eggs. We have more than we need, so I have 2 buyers at work- $3.50 a dz. Three in production is great after an almost 2 year lull. Great nesting box set up! Just curious- do you wash your eggs? I never do unless there's something poopy on them...

    1. I usually don't wash our eggs, but this is the first time we have had so many and have had buyers. This picture is the first time I washed! Long story short, I don't wash for us, but I decided to wash when selling to people I don't know. :)

  6. I can so relate to this post! Except the egg part - I'm only getting one every other day! Our hens are all over 2 yrs old (some 5 yrs) so they aren't as active as your young girls. Glad you found a buyer for all your eggs!
