About Me

Outside and In

Yes, we have snow. A LOT.  So much that we shoveled the roof over the porch. 6ft drifts. Craziness.
 I finally took some shots to show you.

 Snowshoes to the barn. We shovel a path and it's filled in an hour later.

 This is his room. See the snowdrift?
 There's four steps up to our porch and a large board that comes before the windows. You cannot even see the bottom of our porch. That pile on the left? That's what we shoveled from our roof.

And goodness, it's blocking our porch window now. A broken window is better than a caved in roof, yes?

 Our wood is completely buried and it was stacked 4ft high.
 No worries. He plows.

 And then goes inside and plows some more.

 He even keeps his clothes laid out, in case he gets wet (this is a new thing he's been doing) or otherwise needs to change.

Other snowday smiles inside: Snacks.
Delicious math.
Some fresh...
 Some Valentine's leftover.

 Creative narration with stickers.

 And his:
 Traffic jams.
 Wet socks warming by the fire.
 Ready for work.
 "The Office".
 Pleasure reading.
 The occasional/hardly ever napper naps.
 Evidence of fun outside.
 Warm fire.
 My little "roo".
 And a few moments of time, just for me.  It was a very very good day. Couldn't have asked for a better one. In fact, I'd love a few more snowdays. I love being home as a family. Although snow? Adrian said "Enough is  enough."  I think I might have to agree, as I'm not sure to put any more snow. 


  1. Wow, that's a ton of snow. The kids must be loving it. Your home looks so cozy and inviting. So glad you have these precious times with your Littles.

    1. There's so much snow they can't even play in it. It's so cold and windy. You'd hate it here right now, you'd be so cold!

  2. Looks like the best snow days ever! I love snow, but I would have to agree with Adrian if it kept coming! I love the pictures of all their little play nooks! So fun! Enjoy!

    1. Aww, thank you! The nooks remind me of my own childhood. :)

  3. Holy cow! Snow days are good :) And it looks like you haven't lost power? I don't like the unseasonably warm weather here, but the sky is blue. It's 32 now, 51 later. Almost 60 again by Thurs! I have a sinking feeling we'll have a terrible cold snap then lose all our fruit on the trees, etc. Or maybe a really early spring? I saw crocuses coming up yesterday!!! Crazy! Love the new header!

    1. We haven't lost power! Hope we won't. You can have some of our snow! I hope you don't lose all of your fruit....these weather fluctuations are so stressful. We love Tomten too. I just picked it up and it's an instant hit.

  4. And I LOVE The Tomten! Her work is wonderful... Bought it for my school library~~~
