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Mama Made: Little Red Riding Hood Cape

"We can just wear our costumes from last year, they still fit mama!"  Oh, bless my 5 year old's heart.

Since he didn't care, I figured I would focus my energy on making my 3 year old very, very happy.

She loves "Little Red Riding Hood". I've read the book to her hundreds of times..  She also has the puzzle, a 16 piece one. She'll put that thing together 8 times in a row.  She's loved Red Riding Hood for well over a year.

So, I made her this.  A roll of red velvet like fabric, thrifted. A yard of wool, thrifted.  The buckles are upcycled form a wool skirt. Pattern from my neighbor.  It only cost me a few dollars.  Now she has not only a Halloween costume, but a warm layer to keep warm in all winter.

 And this was her reaction.

 I think it suits her perfectly.


  1. It's absolutely brilliant! She looks so happy!

  2. Lovely! An enchanting cape to wear into the enchanted wood. I love the buckle closures. xo

  3. Lovely! An enchanting cape to wear into the enchanted wood. I love the buckle closures. xo

  4. How adorable! I wouldn't mind having one for myself
