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Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies

Oh, the pumpkins. Glad I grew so many sugar pumpkins, I am.  But now to use them up.  Adapted this recipe from here.  I basically am in love with the outcome of this recipe. So good.  Make a double batch, I recommend!

 Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3 eggs
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 c. flour

1/4 C. cocoa powder
1/2 C. choc chips

1/2 C. pumpkin puree
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch ground cloves
pinch nutmeg


  1. Oh my. They certainly look wonderful. I'll bet the house smells amazing!

  2. Thank you I am going to make them today it is our Thanksgiving weekend. Hope all is well. Hugs B

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