About Me


Things I love about this pic:

The pan, which we got when we were first married, nearly 10 years ago.
The roasted veggies, some from our garden and some from the grocery store. Thankful for homegrown produce and the grocery store to fill in the gaps.
Flip top glass jars. I love them. I've become a collector. One never has to find a top with a flip top glass jar.
Homegrown dried oregano flavoring many winter dishes.
And my rings, one from my husband and the antique diamond was my grandmother's.

Such simple and ordinary things, yet things to be very thankful for. I just might look around again and count my blessings once. more. 

1 comment:

  1. I know that you do a lot of thrifting. Is that where you find your flip-top jars? They are very convenient, but I think I only have one. I bought the plastic lids that are made to fit mason jars because I store all of my pantry things in the mason jars.
