About Me

Little House: Going West

I have the pleasure of teaching the 4 and 5 year olds in our homeschool co-op for this semester. Once a week, I'm teaching them history in a fun way. We're going back in time and doing things they way they used to do them.  I'm using the "My First Little House" book series, which takes stories out of the chapter books and makes it into picture books.

Previous weeks:
Winter Days in the Big Woods
Farmer Boy's Birthday
Winter on the Farm
Sugar Snow
Little House Birthday

Latest: Going West

Although I planned this session, it wasn't me who carried it out (I was being of help elsewhere). Thus, I have no action shots. But, the kids built houses out of Lincoln Logs, ran their fingers through fodder and packed up the wagon with blocks and moved their family. 

 I did make it back in time for our oatmeal meal.  At the beginning, the 13 kiddos needed a lot of adult support to set the table, prepare the meal, pass the dishes and tidy up. I'm so happy to say that the adult support needed to execute the meal is so small compared to before.



Setting up this dollhouse...it's what I....err she....loves.

Secretly, I love this dollhouse. It's the type of dollhouse I always dreamed of having. When she wants to play tiny tinies with me, I will always comply.

Back field

I've been trying to take advantage of the back fields as of late. This is the first year when going back there doesn't lead to 'up mama, up mama, up mama, up!'.  There's nothing more peaceful than wide open spaces.

 (Bonus: waterdog in her glory!)
 (Bonus: train going north)

 (Bonus: cemetery is older than the house....such stories here)
 (Bonus: train going south)
So much goodness in the backyard.  Thankful.


Boys, especially working farmer boys, wear holes in pants faster than you can count 1-2-3. 

So, I became the world's most popular mama. I added patches. Farming patches.  Really, I find these the most ridiculous things that are perfect only for at home play clothes. He has another idea. He thinks these are his 'for good' pants that he must wear everywhere. 

And so he goes everywhere, rocking his own style with all the confidence in the world.  Confidence is a good thing.

Happy Easter 2016!


(From us)

 (From the creepy gigantic bunny who allegedly sneaks into your house).

 Below is a vintage Red Riding Hood. She's a fave already.
 And their mama made bunnies.




 May your Easter weekend include some snuggles with your loved ones.

 And if you're lucky, may it include some crafting....intense focused crafting (albeit yours likely won't include cutting tractors, cows, silos and barbed wire from a stack of farming magazines). Whatever makes you the happiest, I hope you experience it this Easter weekend.