About Me

Little House: A Little House Birthday

I have the pleasure of teaching the 4 and 5 year olds in our homeschool co-op for this semester. Once a week, I'm teaching them history in a fun way. We're going back in time and doing things they way they used to do them.  I'm using the "My First Little House" book series, which takes stories out of the chapter books and makes it into picture books.

Previous weeks:
Winter Days in the Big Woods
Farmer Boy's Birthday
Winter on the Farm
Sugar Snow

Latest:  Little House Birthday
We celebrated with lemonade and old fashioned party games.
 We hid the thimble under the bowl turned upside down and then took turns trying to find it.
 Drop the clothespin into the vintage tin.
 Paperdolls. Find them here.
Pass the spool until the song stops (we sang nursery rhymes). Keep both hands in front of you, one kid has the spool hidden under their hands. The one with the closed eyes gets three guesses to figure out who has it.
3 legged races.
Walk with books balanced on one's head.




  1. So much stinkin' fun! Have a wonderful holiday, y'all!

  2. The whole world is in on the PARTY
    secret that there is something incredibly sweet about you. Happy Birthday.
