About Me

Puppies, Rainbows and Babies.

There's so much negativity out there that I am trying to block it out and think happy thoughts.

So, I am thinking about puppies...Holly when she was little, specifically.

Rainbows....over our home sweet home.

And babies.
Adrian hours old

Audra hours old

And baby #3 we hope to know if it's a boy or girl in 6 more days.  Squee!!! Guesses?! 

Puppies, rainbows and babies.  Much better than my current facebook feed.


  1. I'm old fashioned and like the surprise at the birth

  2. So don't let yourself get too attached to the blue color. They might not stay that way! Most babies have the ability to recognize different types of music before they are born.

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  4. Being a baby certainly does not look all that difficult. The majority of the population seems to think that babies are fully formed adults except for their inability to speak in complete sentences. http://martywells4.weebly.com/

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