About Me


The forecast says snow. I know, I know.

But I'm plugging my ears and saying "LA LA LA".

And I'm filling my mind with thoughts like these:

And the midwife says "I don't think you'll go anytime soon."

I plug my ears and say "LA LA LA".

I'm 39 weeks now...and won't be pregnant forever, right?  Baby squish soon? Please and thank you.

Maine Maple Weekend

Maine Maple Weekend-a holiday around here!  Pancake breakfasts everywhere.

We boiled our own sap down and had our own pancake breakfast at home.  Berry pancakes with our own eggs and some of the buttermilk I have left frozen from my cow milking days.

We did go to our neighbor's for their Maine Maple celebration for a couple treats.  I sort of ate my donut before I took a picture. It was pretty to look at! 

And Beverly sent another delivery!  Look at their adorable new mittens!  Thank you for the surprise, Beverly!

Another good sugarin' holiday.  Yum.


Well Ladies...nearly 30 eggs in a day, after day, after day. Seems like spring. (I'm just ignoring all the snow we have and the forecast that calls for more snow).

Published! On the Cover!!!

Drum roll.....

Well, look who just got published on the COVER of the Maine Raising Readers Annual Report!  I've had things published before, but never a cover shot!  They sent a nice thank you note and some swag too. We're big fans for the Raising Readers program here in Maine, so it feels like such an honor to have one of my pics on the cover! I smile everytime I look at it! 

This guy was surprised to see himself reading to his late chicken Floppy Comb on the cover!

And really quite pleased too!

Mama Made: Take me home dress

All right. NOW you can be born baby girl. Because I officially made you a 'take me home" dress.  The colors in real life are really better than the pic shoes. The dress is so tiny!

I made one for when Audra was little too. That dress is here.

Spiffing up

Sometimes self dressing is...well...interesting.  Other times, their choices make me smile.  
 I especially enjoy how she's been letting me put her hair up into pigtails. Although I am definitely not allowed to call them pig tails, I have to call them two pony tails. Adorable either way.

The things I don't understand...

I will never understand why this cat tolerates what he tolerates.  He can hardly breathe from an old injury and he lets her tote him around. He could run far, far, far away.  I would if I was him.
 But he doesn't. He lets her do whatever. In fact, he's sleeping next to Audra in her bed right now.  That's one awesome cat.

The view from here...

38 weeks.  Decided that I better take a picture or two of my pregnant belly before it's too late.  And the view from here is:

Baby one (now 6 1/2)

 Baby 2 (now 4 1/2)
 Loving on baby #3

 I made my husband take a couple non-selfie shots. Not that I really love full term pregnant pictures of me, but I cherish the pictures of my mom pregnant with me and want to give my baby girl some pregnancy photos.
 Now it's anytime, baby girl. Anytime!

Bon Appetit

Food.  It's one of the hardest things I've worked on over the last decade. I have learned so much and we are a lot less reliant on a grocery store than ever before. It's March in Maine and I made this soup...only thing that did not come from us is the barley. Other than that, homemade and homegrown. Mighty awesome that almost all my meals still revolve around that which I'm trying to use up.
But, I am also throwing in the towel a bit with the food.  Everything I make is so time consuming. I'm at the very end of my pregnancy, a 100% homemade/homegrown meal is tiring me out! I need less standing, less chopping, less time intensive, less clean up.  Particularly since our dishwasher is officially broken.  I don't want to give less to my own littles or the kids I work with at work or the kids I see through my volunteer activities and something just had to give.  I decided temporarily it will be the food. So, I bought a bunch of convenience foods and am going to spend the next 2-3 weeks alternating between homemade/homegrown (for I still have a lot to use up!) and store bought.  Surprisingly, I'm 100% okay with it. It's all about balance, realizing what I can and cannot keep up and adapting.  Now, I just need to convince my oldest, "Mama, our cart has NEVER looked like this. Is this even okay?"  Absolutely. Enjoy that store bought sweet potato fry. Bon Appetit.

Selfie Shadow

Selfie shadow...sweet baby girl is growing. Not much time left, nor is there much room left in there. Anytime, baby girl. Anytime.

Still looking like winter...

While the calendar says spring, it still looks like winter here. Miss Audra found the signs from our Country Kids party (my favorite 'holiday' of the year...find the last one here) and was sticking them in the snow.  Explore, play, create, enjoy.  Our summer signs hold true throughout all seasons.  Do the same in the snow, my littles. Make those memories.  I'll have fun watching you from afar.

I think I can....

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....


This pic is from his half birthday celebration.  I have to say, these half birthday celebrations are one of the most special things we have done as a family.  My kids look forward to them so much. It's fun to have an extra day to celebrate the birthday boy/girl.

One of the books he got for his half birthday was another James Herriot picture book.  We had one already, which has been most loved, but here he got another.  He has decided he LOVES James Herriot. Animal and farming stories, of course he does! I just ordered more James Herriot picture books off of interlibrary loan and some James Herriot audio. Plus I have a treasury put aside for the next holiday.

I must say, I am LOVING this stage with his interest in longer books.  We just finished "Where the Red Fern Grows", which he has declared is his most favorite ever.  We're reading Mountain Born and Lord Fauntleroy now...both which I have never read.  He is so incredibly interested in them and I hear "More, more!".  He just loves the classics. We go through books so fast as of late, as I am feeling the same "more, more!" pull he is.

While he certainly is well on his way to reading books on his own, I am truly hoping he will not tire of reading/listening to books with me anytime soon. I truly could share this love for literature with him forever and ever!

His sister is really getting into the audio books too. I'm thankful I have her and another on the way, as I am looking forward to another decade (at least) of book reading together.  It might be my very favorite part of parenting....sharing books together.


Two yard of red and white stripped flannel (Thinking Christmas Pjs!). Brand new HABA wooden game. Two brand new sticker books (which are hidden and will come out for the next car trip).  $8.00.

Snow days

My work closed for what ended up being 2 snowdays for me. We did lots of audio books and lots of art.

I had one who braved the snow and frigid temps, eager to 'get to work'.

 And one who said "The wind is too cold."  For the record, I'm with her.

Nothing stops him though.

 And treats. We had treats.  Because what's a snowday without treats?

There's more snow coming this weekend, so you say?  I'm just go about my business and pretend that is totally untrue.