About Me

The good.

While I was planning on finishing the garden planting today, when I finally had a moment to head out solo to get the rototiller going, the sky opened to a big old downpour.  I may have cried about that.

Plan B.  I worked pretty much all day trading my kids' bedrooms.  Adrian was in the largest room, Audra in the smallest room that has four doors, making it practically impossible to put a crib in there.  Right now, our house is a disaster, leftovers were the Memorial Day meal and the garden still isn't planted. Plus it's almost June and we had a fire going to keep us warm inside. Boo.  I'm so exhausted, I could sleep for a week.

Since I strive to be the half full type of girl, I will find the positive.

My big kids are (hopefully) over the emotional part of this bedroom transition are actually sleeping in their 'new' rooms. My husband wasn't grumpy about all the stuff I made him move (thank you, Justin!). My baby girl is now less emotional during bath time. Baby coos in the warm water, sweetness indeed.

In the midst of chaos, there's always good.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my stars. You just had a baby! I can't believe you are rototilling the garden.

    I think the girls will love sharing a room. And Adrian has his first man-cave.
    Glad you found a silver lining in that raincloud. There is always one there, somewhere.
