About Me

I Scream, You Scream...

I scream, you scream...we all scream for Ice Cream! 

Having big crowds over...that's just what we do here.  However, with baby Anna-Kate, I was struggling thinking how we could continue to host and not overwhelm ourselves this summer.  Even potluck get togethers are a lot of coordinating with tables/trash/etc.

In popped my head this random idea...to host ice cream socials.  A quick pop into the grocery store, load up on cones and ice cream and voila!  Insta Ice Cream shop.  

I was looking around our property to think of where to put things and I looked at this old door that hasn't been opened in years.  Just inside of it is our freezer in the garage. My husband got it open somehow and it has turned out to be the most perfect little ice cream stand.  Adrian painted a sign on some old barn board.  Door's open, shop is open.

Plus he wrote out the menu.
And all we needed was friends...who have come pouring in.  We've hosted a couple of times and have had 60+ people go through our little ice cream stand so far this year.
And you know, no one complained that this sort of party is less elaborate than years past.  Everyone loved it! I'm thinking that we'll be having an ice cream stand for our Country Kids party this year.

Seeing these fields filled with littles does a heart good.  Three cheers for Ice cream and bringing good people together. 

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