About Me

A good, good week.

This week flew by. How is it Saturday already?!

It's been a good, good week. 

One of my goals for my family for the Christmas season is for us to not get knee deep in the "What's in it for me" mentality.

This week I am proud to say my kids have not been "mine-o-saurs".

They played board games at an assisted living with our 4-H group on Wednesday.

They brought a story and craft to do with the kids in a special needs preschool with our homeschool co-op on Thursday.

They spent their morning making cards for a different assisted living community, joined the residents for music time and then passed their cards out on Friday. (Lovely cards below)
There are 9 days left before Christmas.  How many days can we squeeze in a bit of above and beyond kindness to others?  I'm challenging our family. Perhaps you can join us and challenge yours.

Tis the season.

1 comment:

  1. I love those ideas! We will be baking for our local fire and police departments. Our boy is just beginning to see how these little things impact others. Grateful for that.
    Enjoy your good deeds!
