About Me


I know that someday this will be funny.  Today, it's not.  They were NOT doing what was asked of them...on a day that I was already feeling defeated, we were already running behind and had places to be.

Motherhood is so unpredictable, exhausting, effortful and messy. Definitely messy. And more challenging this week as I am recovering from a bit of sickness 

I can choose to wallow in the disappointments of today or I can put them behind me and look to tomorrow with great hope. I am choosing the second option, for I have high hopes tomorrow will be a marked improvement.  Maybe, just maybe, by tomorrow this picture will be funny...


  1. Oh the fun they must have had.

  2. Oh. My. Stars. They had me smiling from ear to ear. It's a hoot, trust me! ;0D

  3. Today you can look at this picture and see just how funny it is! Look at those faces and all that mud, how can you not laugh....

  4. Sorry you weren't feeling well. but the kiddos look like they had a blast. I do believe you will look back on this and laugh.........
