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Two Lands End bathing suits, a tool set, crocs. $10

And below some crafter got rid of their inventory of homemade baby doll clothes. $7 for the lot.

Mama Made Dress and the Best Baby Ever...

This post just sends happiness that tingles from my head down to my toes. A mama made dress, home sweet home, FINALLY a spring sunset, barefoot toes, and the little baby who spent years begging for. 


Our neighbors gave us an air popper.  Why have I never had one before?  It captures their attention for a full five minutes while they wait for it to pop and then it takes another 20 for them to eat it. Then the dogs clean up what they drop. It's sort of like a mini vacation everytime I think to use it.  I feel like gifting one to all my mom friends! Totally worth the shelf space.  (And thank you Sue!)


I'm weeks late in posting this, these chicks are growing rapidly! They are mostly snuggled by Audra but the others get in on the fun too. Hatching in the incubator is always live TV hit.  The weather doesn't feel like spring, but having chicks makes it feel spring like regardless!


Thankful for the freedom to live as we choose. Thankful for those who sacrificed so much.  Thankful for our little family and the blessing of spending a long weekend being home sweet home. (And thankful Subway made lunch....because this mama sure could use a meal 'off'!)

Warm days

Ahh, so it appears spring has arrived. Today we stayed home all day. Stay at home days are my favorite.


If you ever want to be inspired, Special Olympics is where to go. Many of these kids and adults have had to work 10x-100x harder than I ever have had to work, and they do so with perseverance. The day is full of smiles, high fives, ribbons, celebrations and just an all out good time.  The first Special Olympics I went to was a Winter Games one during my undergrad days. Been just about every year since.  Thankful to bring this trio along to cheer for our friends.


Somehow this kid got enough drive to finish a project! I make him stitch a seam a week (which he often grumbles about). Just one seam. I told him if I am teaching other kids how to sew, I am teaching him too! Nice to see him want to finish it and so proud of what he made.

Thank you.

Thank you for all the kind words and sweet memories about my mom.
We celebrated her memory with chocolate cake, as promised.  Although the littlest doesn't yike any of the dinner options lately, she seems to love chocolate frosting just as much as her late grandmother.


When you don't yike the dinner (the same dinner you yiked yesterday...and every other time we've had it...) Sigh.

 I think she might pull through. I hope the rest of us do...

Birthday Memories

My mom would have been 68 today.

I had her 15 years, 10 of them where healthy ones.

The memories of those years are so abundant and joyous.  Those years with her shaped me to be who I am today. Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for all I had. 

We plan on celebrating the gift of her life by sharing memories, eating chocolate cake and drinking iced water.

Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. -Tennyson.

I feel so blessed to have been raised by her.


 Awesome reading shirt that Adrian loves dearly (and I want one that fits me!) and a tractor. $5.00.
 Vintage books and two big magnet photo collage mats for the fridge (it has slots for pictures...looks great filled on the fridge). $7.00 
LL bean fleece lined hoodie, two LL Bean Kleen Kanteens, Ants in the Pants, three vintage aprons (for Audra's birthday). $5.50.


No time like the present to sneak away for a little respite with a good book. 
Even better if you sneak away to read to your 'children' (this is Anna-Kate's 'children', so she says).  

Bundle up Mainers!

This is the weirdest May in Maine.  We start our day in layers, fleece, flannel, wool, turtlenecks and a fire.

 And the warmest part of the day we are somehow picking flowers to press...still in our wool, fleece and layers. I've done hardly anything in the garden yet.  I guess this year I may be like my grandfather and do my planting on Memorial Day. These baby chicks may be in our house for much longer than I desire!  I really need to take pics of them, they are growing rapidly.

Mama Made: Dress

 A vintage dress pattern, but it doubles as an apron too!  She's worn it as both.  I love my little old fashioned dress lover much much much much more than I love sewing buttons.