About Me


All of this snow is gone. GONE!  4/5 of us love winter around here and it looks so blah out there! Today I was scooping dog poop, cleaning muddy foot prints, monitoring a puddle in the basement and watching kids and goats run around without coats. We saw Geese flying north on Sunday and a tree full of Robins last Monday. Lots of nature journaling happening about these changes. I suppose the brief reprieve of sub freezing temperatures is not terrible, but we won't be sad if there's another foot or two to play in and another snowday or two that keeps us cuddled fireside with a soup simmering on the woodstove for lunch.  I'm such a lover of seasons. As much as I love spring, I'm still loving winter.


  1. We have as yet to get any snow this winter. Enjoy some for us!

  2. We're going through that here in Boise, it's supposed to be 57 Saturday! That's way too warm and I hope it cools back down because our fire Seasons here are really bad if we have a really early spring. At least it's raining! In the high desert we appreciate the moisture
