About Me

He's Four and a HALF

Well, Adrian. You are four and a HALF. Wow, you keep growing!

Here's 4.
Here's 3 1/2.

Here's 2 1/2,  
Here he was at 2.
Here he was at 18 months.
(And before that, I wasn't a blogger).

To my Adrian:

What a kid you are! You're serious, determined, focused and smart. You question everything, want to learn and spend 24/7 of your life with your mama. You are empathetic, loving and giving.

Pretty much all you do is farm. You still wake up and get straight to work. You take care of your farm animals and dream of the ones that are to come (COWS!...so you say).  You love the county fair and 4-H. You love Holsteins and Jersey cows. You know cows have 4 stomachs and want to learn the names for all four stomachs (?!) and I find myself making up a song to help you remember them all (?!).  I tell you, you're one of a kind. You love love love tractors.  John Deere in particular. You pretty much wear something John Deere everyday.
While you're not a sports dude, you do enjoy swimming and snowshoeing so you can track animals.

You love scissors and use them daily. We have every single cow and barn from butter containers the last year. You cut apart farming magazines. You love to collect every tiny little farming pictures and sometimes we get them glued onto 'cards' randomly. We are NEVER allowed to throw away your treasured farm pics.

You love homemade anything. You are mostly a vegetarian, by choice. No way will you ever ever eat cow. Carbs and desserts are your fave. But you do love your salads and your fave fruit is grapefruit.

You love books. I'll read to you for hours. You'll read to yourself. You have decided you want to learn how to read, so you learned your letters without teaching from me. I imagine your determination will pay off soon.

You love Audra and play nicely with her. When daddy is gone, you say "I'll be the man and take care of my girls." That you do! 

You, sweet boy, are a joy to us. You bring smiles to us and we cannot wait to see the big things you do between 4 1/2 and age 5.  I'm sure you'll be impressing us once again. We love you.
And his questions:
Nicknames: Adrian Teele

How old are you? 4 1/2

What is your favorite color? Green

What is your favorite animal? Cows

What is your favorite book? All about Farms

What is your favorite TV show? Farm Tractors

What is your favorite movie?  Farm Tractors

What is your favorite song?  Jesus Loves Me

What is your favorite food?  Mama's Homemade Bread

What is your favorite drink?  Milk

What is your favorite breakfast food?  Eggs and Toast

What is your favorite snack?  Trail Mix

What is your favorite outfit?  Farming clothes

What is your favorite game?  Count Your Chickens.

What is your favorite toy?  Farming toys

Who is your best friend?  Henry

What is your favorite thing to do? Playing Farming. Putting tractors in the sheds, Turn the cows and horses out to pasture, Putting hay in the hayloft, farming puzzles with cows.

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play farming stuff, like put out all my John Deere stuff and then farm with it and organize it.

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas because I like getting John Deere Tractor toys.

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Four stuffed animals, doesn't matter which ones.

Where is your favorite place to go? To the thrift store

What is your favorite restaurant?  Spaghetti ones.

Where do you want to go on vacation?  To BOG's. I'll play with his little John Deere Tractor toys.  BOG will read stories to me about John Deere tractors. I'll play puzzles.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a farmer. I'll be a John Deere tractor farmer. I'll have cows. Jersey cows and Holstein cows. I'll turn them out to pasture. I'll milk them until they are dry. I will have calves and I'll turn them out to pasture too. I will have chickens and goats but the cows will be my favorite.

What did you do on your half birthday? I'm going to party with all my people.


  1. I thought of you yesterday at the thrift shop...there was a large John Deere platter and a large John Deere mixing bowl! Very cheap....if I lived in Maine, it would be yours! Actually did think of buying and shipping it up..do you have those?

    1. That is too kind of you to think of us! We have two John Deere cups and that's it. We had two cow bowls, but they both broke (well, they were used daily) and he cried alligator tears when they broke. What a kid!
