About Me

Itch to Stitch: Dress 11

First things first, do you see the URL up above?  My new site! Really, it's the same as before for content, but now the URL is www.bornimaginative.com . The other one will work, but using this one will be better and quicker than the other one. Make note, update your favorites, tell your cats. Really not breaking news to anyone other than me, but it feels like a victory, given it was not an easy task for me.

Remember my dress a month challenge?  No November dress, did you notice? Yeah, so this dress was supposed to be done by the end of November, only I got busier than expected creating hennies, mostly, for my etsy shop.  I'm not one to give up a challenge, even if it's a silly challenge I set up for myself.  

Dress one: Here.
Dress two: Here.
Dress three: Here
Dress four: Here.
Dress five: Here.
Dress six: Here.
Dress seven: Here.
Dress eight: Here.
Dress 9
Dress 10

 Now, dress 11:
 It's a wool dress upcycled from skirt I found at the thrift shop for a dollar. I'm so mad I never took a 'before photo' before I cut out the pieces.  Oops.  I loosely followed a pattern a reader gave me (thank you!) that is apparently so old, there's no date.  Audra picked out the red button, which is really quite perfect.

 He never ever ever wants his picture taken, unless if I'm taking her picture of course.

A little bit more wool for my baby girl, perfect warmth for this old farmhouse . Now I cannot decide what to work on next!


  1. Oh my goodness, this is a fantastic dress! The red button is perfect! Love the pictures of them together! Just like mine, when they were little, they would always be holding something in their pictures! :)

  2. I did notice and was thinking about it just yesterday because I should have been doing this with you. Kudos for finishing the challenge! The red IS the perfect accent for this sweet little jumper and magazine quality fashion shoot. xo
