Beach Classroom

 When the Maine temps rise to the high 70s in October, we move school to the beach.  Even if everyone complains that mom drags them to the beach too much, I commit.  Despite the initial grumbles (and let's be honest, who feels sorry for the coastal homeschoolers having go to the beach on a random Monday? No one!) it was truly a magical day in a most glorious classroom. 

Halloween Stitching

 Audra started her costume, but lost steam.

I surprised her by finishing the pants and apron.  She plans to make some accessories tomorrow. 

She always has such clever ideas! 


 My kids will forever remember the fun times I dragged them to help me with free bushes.  I've done this so many times.  This time we didn't have to dig, but this time the plants were so HUGE that they hardly fit in the van. All the seats were folded down and we moved the front seats way up to have the most possible room and they were still bigger than the space we had.  The gate didn't even fully latch, we were living on a prayer the 5 miles home.  I got them trimmed WAY back and they are now in the ground in the spot that we had to remove the huge maple because of lightning damage. Did all the planting myself, a commitment I tell you. I am so excited for them to take off and be beautiful on our homestead! I'm also excited that these stories will likely live on for generations! 


Pantry love

 A while back, I purchased these brackets (from Hobby Lobby) to add some shelves to the pantry.  On a day that he had off, Adrian decided to get them up.  He cut some wood, sanded it and installed it all with his tools from my aunt and uncle (thank you!).  He said he did this so his mom can live in the 1800s.  He also said he's going to be a fine catch for a lady, since he's a handyman. I have plans for him to build me a she shed and a greenhouse.  A mama can dream, right?! 

I'm also realizing I have failed to give a pantry update since this post

Realized I never really took pics of it completed other than this one. On the to do list!  


 Last week, before the wind and the rain, almost every maple looked full and beautiful with fall colors.  I love living where there are seasons. 

Books and Apples

 We're back to our regular school mornings and we all are thankful for them. I have one doing a puzzle, one stitching her Halloween costume and one drawing a truck.

However, one morning a week we continue to schedule in weekly apple gleaning with the Master Gardener Volunteers. We took a couple hundred pounds just this week to distribute. Our family has made several deliveries to the food pantry, homeschoolers,  restoration house and churches. We are just one carload of several who pick and disperse. Thankful for the two family orchards who support this happening: McDougalls and Smiths. 


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