About Me

He's SIX and a HALF

Adrian, you are now 6 and a HALF!


5 and a HALF
Age five.
Here's 4 1/2
Here's 4.
Here's 3 1/2.
Here's 2 1/2,  
Here he was at 2.
Here he was at 18 months.
(And before that, I wasn't a blogger).

To my Adrian:

What a neat kid you are!  Consistent with each birthday, I can report you know what you like and your likes are consistent. Farming. Tractors.  You still hardly go a day without wearing some "John Deere" apparel. 

Even though you love farming, you spend just as much time drawing and creating as you do farming.  Your art has more details than even a few months ago.  We find homemade books upon books and you could use a whole pack of paper in a week.  You also cut your favorite stuff out and paste it in scrapbooks still. Mostly tractors, but occasionally other random things. 

You are definitely not a sports guy and you'll tell anyone that.  You love to 'work' around the farm. Any job-plowing, shoveling, collecting eggs, tending animals, taking out the compost...you want to do it.  You're such a handy helper to have around!

You are such an eager learner.  You keep these nature displays with all the random things you find. You've been interested in learning about birds, plants you can eat and predators. You could listen to anything on audio all day long. Your most recent love is the Boxcar children. You're also becoming quite the reader yourself!

While you do enjoy going places, home is your most favorite place to be. You are never, ever bored. You always have plenty of ideas to fill your time.  You still are a mama's boy though.  Anywhere I go, you're right there. 

You're mature beyond your years with your seriousness, your memory, your thoughtfulness, kindness and your honesty, but I love how you're not too old to snuggle your stuffed animals or show affection to your parents wherever we go. You are such a fun 6 and a half year old, I am lucky to call you mine. 

Love, mama

And his questions: Nicknames: Adri How old are you? 6 1/2 What is your favorite color? Green and Yellow and Orange and Red because they are all tractor colors. John Deere, Kubota, Farmall. What is your favorite animal? Cows and goats What is your favorite book? Farming books What is your favorite song? Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer What is your favorite food? Peanut Butter and Jelly What is your favorite drink? Apple Cider What is your favorite breakfast food? Cinnamon rolls or coffee cake What is your favorite snack? I don't really eat snacks, but maybe cereal? What is your favorite outfit? Suits that I wear to church. What is your favorite game? Farming games What is your favorite toy? John Deere Tractors and pickup trucks with farming trailers Who is your best friend? Desmond What is your favorite thing to do? Watch Paw Patrol (which he's done 3x in his life, lol) and reading books What is your favorite thing to do outside? Plow the snow with my plow truck What is your favorite holiday? Easter because we made a brush fire last Easter (did we?! I don't remember!) What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Stuffed puppy named "Lucky" Where is your favorite place to go? Tractor Supply What is your favorite restaurant? Friendly Toast Where do you want to go on vacation? NY to visit my family. What do you want to be when you grow up? John Deere dealership guy and a farmer and a husband and a dad What will you do on your half birthday? Open presents, go to SEEK and Lego Club and go to a place where mama has a parent meeting and I get to eat chips and pizza and draw.


  1. This is so much fun reading this when he is much older!
    That's why I keep a blog for our kids.
    My mom kept a diary when I was a kid and I love reading if I did similar things when I was a kid.

    1. I started the blog as a journal for my kids. My mom died when I was 15 and she had boxes of scrap notes and pictures she meant to put together, but never did. I thought the best way of preventing that from happening for me is blogging daily. :)
