He's SIX!

Well, Adrian, you are now SIX!


5 and a HALF
Age five.
Here's 4 1/2
Here's 4.
Here's 3 1/2.

Here's 2 1/2,  
Here he was at 2.
Here he was at 18 months.
(And before that, I wasn't a blogger).

And now you're SIX! 

And what a six year old you are. So mature, so sure of your likes, so determined to do things yourself. 

You like what you like and that hasn't changed. John Deere. Farming. Animals.  4-H is your activity of choice.  While you've tried other things, that's what you like best. You've had a great first year at the fair, giving a demonstration and winning your first ribbon. Next year you want to enter animals and camp at the fair.

You've always been a good eater. You're a vegetarian who likes hot dogs. You eat your vegetables but always say vegable and even though I am a speech language pathologist, I'll never correct that error. You love fruit desserts, fruit salad, honey roasted peanuts, corn on the cob, strawberry frosted donuts with sprinkes, mint chip ice cream and PBJ.

You remember everything. As in stuff I forget that happened ages ago, you remember.  You remember to ask about people you haven't seen in a while. You remember to say and do kind things for people.

You are always responsible and never tell lies.  You love safety and warn others if they aren't being safe.  You're super trustworthy and excellent at cleaning up after yourself.  You are an excellent helper.  There's nothing more you like than a job.

You are a huge fan of  audiobooks. Right now, you have "Runaway Ralph" going downstairs, "Black Beauty" in your room, "Clementine" out in the car and I'm reading you "Flat Stanley".  I'm so glad you like audio, as when I finished "Farmer Boy", you said "Read it again".  I think I'd lose my voice if I read to you as much as you'd want!

Your outfits are priceless. You wake up and get dressed for the day on your own. Always wearing John Deere or something farming related. Often overalls. Often cowboy boots.

Adrian, your personality is so endearing. A little boy with big dreams you are and I have no doubt you will accomplish what you set out to do.  So thankful I have this opportunity to raise you.

And his questions:
Nicknames: Adri

How old are you? 6

What is your favorite color? Green and Yellow and Orange because green and yellow make John Deere, orange makes Kubota

What is your favorite animal? Cows and goats

What is your favorite book? Tractor books

What is your favorite song?  Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer

What is your favorite food?  Peanut Butter and Jelly on homemade bread

What is your favorite drink?  Milk and orange juice

What is your favorite breakfast food?  Cereal

What is your favorite snack?  Cheese sticks

What is your favorite outfit?  John Deere shirts and overalls

What is your favorite game?  Hurry Hurry Farmer

What is your favorite toy?  John Deere Tractor toys

Who is your best friend?  All of my friends

What is your favorite thing to do? Play with my John Deere tractors

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Run around, play on the swing set and play

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas because I get to wish Happy Birthday to Jesus

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Horse stuffed animal

Where is your favorite place to go? Thrift Store

What is your favorite restaurant? 
Friendly Toast

Where do you want to go on vacation?  NY to visit my family.

What do you want to be when you grow up? .
Construction guy and John Deere dealership guy and a farmer

What did you do on your birthday? I'm going to have my neighbors and my grampy and grammy over and we're going to eat hot dogs, BBQ chips, corn and fruit salad. I'm not going to have a cake, I'm going to have doughnuts instead. 


  1. What a beautiful soul he is. I had to smile when I saw that he couldn't pick just one best friend, but included everyone. Bless his heart.

    Happy Birthday Adrian! We are so glad you were born. ;0D

  2. Happy Birthday Adrian!!! Hope you are having the best birthday!!!



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