About Me


 Thrifted.  $2.00 Keen boots for Adrian in GREAT condition.  All those books for 5 for $1. 

Flannel sheet set for $6...for crafting or for using? Haven't decided. Always pick up field guides, especially for $1.  A Havaheart for $5.  
I love Thomas Locker (beautiful pictures), Crocks knockoff, new socks and homemade socks.  $5.

Daddy 'reads'

 I had a week with many meetings.  My husband was very 'helpful' for bedtime readings, lol.  As a fun bonus, you can see the kids almost always wear their mama mades for pjs. 

Food Science

 Kids just wrapped up a five week series of food science.  It was virtual, through 4-H.  4-H sent the supplies as well as a detailed record book they worked on together. It was awesome!  They did egg experiments, cheese making, various preservation methods for apples, yeast experiments, various flour experiments and others I can't remember. I didn't get a picture of everything, but it was really fun for them. 

Highs and Lows

 Today I got a message from my husband that he got Employee of the month!  Such a great, well deserving award for my hard working husband. He's had a year of appointments and obstacles from head injury complications, but keeps going strong. So proud of him!

Today at 4:30, I was reading with Anna-Kate.  I told her that daddy would be home soon and we were to have cookie cake to celebrate his award. He gets out of work at 4:30 and then walks to his car and drives the 2.5 miles home. He gets out and comes home like clockwork. We can expect him at the same time everyday, he's very consistent (unlike me, I never arrive home from work at the same time). We were finishing up a book, expecting him to be home and my phone went off.  It was a text that said, "Running late, leaving now."  That was at 4:39.  I popped on facebook quickly right after and the top story was posted at 4:36 that an accident direct center between our house and my husband's work had just occurred.  A head on collision to be exact.  Had my husband not been grabbing his employee of the month swag and talking a wee bit more to one co-worker, he would have either been in the accident or have seen it. He arrived just before/as the rescue crews were arriving. He was just minutes behind a head on collision that ended up being fatal.  Today I grieve for the families who are experiencing devastation while simultaneously praising God that the steady predictable timeline was disrupted for my employee of the month.  Let us not take today for granted. Counting my blessings.  

Anna-Kate's 5th Birthday Re-cap

Birthday girl was thrilled with her birthday feast (asparagus, prinkles, peanuts and fruit cocktail) and her cake (strawberry with pink sugar frosting) and presents.  She said it was 'The best birthday ever!'



Water spout (with stand not pictured), green toys snap circuits, Pride and Prejudice and some audiobooks.  $5.50.
Brand new coat for Audra for next year.  Game, books. $6.00. 


Around 3:30 pm the sun came out.  Husband, "What do you want to do?"  I suggested the ocean.  So we piled everyone in the car and went.   The ocean called and we answered. Took us longer to herd the crew to the car than the time it took to drive there.  Living here never gets old.

Birthday girl is modeling her mama made dress and the unicorn coat she wanted and received for her birthday.

Anna-Kate turns FIVE!


Four and a HALF


 three and a HALF.

Here she's three

Two and a HALF


Somehow you are five.  Big girl!  Happy birthday to my little talker.  You are pretty much never quiet. Ever. And your little paws are into everything. Your hands are always busy! 

You love people and will talk to anyone!  You love friends and doing elaborate play with them. You play with your animals and talk to them all the time.You love to talk. 

Books are a delightful pastime. You enjoy being read to and you can 'read' your pile of books for hours. You can also narrate familiar stories...which go on and on. 

You are capable of being very responsible and you sometimes are. Other times you ask to be carried and for someone to dress you. (No and no.) You call yourself the queen and sometimes you act the part. Physical exertion isn't your style, unless you have someone to talk to.

You enjoy cutting things apart (including your hair), highlights magazine search and find and mazes.  You love to color and do so within the lines like adults. You love to trace letters and copy words and you do this on your own all the time.  You draw people, all your people, clumped together on bits of paper for 'bookmarks'.  You absolutely love talking on the phone. You give 4-H type presentations for fun (and actually presented at the local competition, even though you aren't old enough). 

You are an enthusiastic gardener and a connoisseur of wild edibles. You smell like a sub from all the green onions you gather and consume. You like to help cook and pretty much eat anything. You love fruit, boiled eggs, anything snacky and meat. 

You are a big time snuggler, are eager to express your love with words and your hugs. You are the  'one more' I begged for and I am so thankful we have you to listen to! 

Love, Mama

Nicknames: Anna-Kate

How old are you? 5

What is your favorite color? Sparkly Pink and Sparkly Purple

What is your favorite animal? Bunnies

What is your favorite book? Princess books

What is your favorite movie?  Barbie Princess

What is your favorite song? Barbie Princess

What is your favorite snack? Ice cream 

What is your favorite outfit?  Beautiful dresses 

What is your favorite game?  Spot It! Pop the Pig

What is your favorite toy?   My Little Ponies and my Elsa and Anna dolls. 

Who is your best friend?  I love lots of best friends! Clover and Izzy and Ellie and Sara.

What is your favorite thing to do? I like doing everything!

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Well, play! 

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas because I love opening up presents and having new things. .

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  My stuffed animals.

Where is your favorite place to go? To Izzy's house. 

What is your favorite restaurant?  McDonalds

Where do you want to go on vacation? Camp.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A singer.

What are you going to do on your birthday? Open lots of presents and eat a big meal with a big cake! Peanuts, Prinkles, asparagus, oranges, strawberry cake with pink sugar frosting.

Spring Vibes

 Lawn concert, beach picnic, nature study with friends.  Almost all day we were outside. I just love this spring weather!