Somehow this doesn't seem possible, but it's true. 18months!!!
She's One
9 months
6 months
(Here's 3 months, newborn.)
Anna-Kate, you're my begged for 'one more' and you have brought us SO MUCH joy in the last 18 months. Look how you tip your little head in pics, just as I used to do when I was a kid. You are my mini me!
To start with, you are a talker. Non stop. You have mama, dada, bubba (brother) and ahwah (Audra). You imitate anything and everything we say and come up with your own 2-3 word sentences all day long. You say things you think are funny and crack yourself up.
You love music, dancing, stacking blocks. You love your babies and rock them and tell them "shh". You hate for any of your babies to be dressed and holler OFF OFF OFF if they are clothed. You also love organizing. You bring adults every piece of whatever you find or you love filling buckets. You're most helpful in the garden, collecting seeds and bulbs. Your biggest love is reading books, which you bring us books all the time and tell us "Readabook".
At nursery, a friend told me you play nicely alone. Well, that NEVER happens at home because your big brother and sister never leave you alone. In fact, I think your dad and I say "LEAVE HER ALONE" more times a day than anything else. You love them, though. You give oodles of hugs and kisses to all your loved ones. You are always gentle with the animals. Always. They flock to you. However, you're not very gentle with babies younger than you. In nursery, you steal pacifiers and push the new walkers down. Not good, Anna-Kate!
You (clearly) are an excellent eater, but still prefer anything colorful. If we plopped a pile of spinach leaves and a piece of homemade buttered bread on your plate, you'd chuck the boring looking bread and eat all the spinach. All fruits and all vegetables are preferred to anything a bland color, fine with us!
It's hard to believe you have only been walking for a few months. And now you're running. Fast. You grab our hands and tell us "outside" frequently. That's your favorite place to be!
We're so thankful you have been an easy going and portable baby. You're the perfect addition to our family and we love you oodles.
Love, Mama
Ah what a cutie pie! She obviously comes from a great, loving family!